Choosing Your Electives
When choosing your electives, you are encouraged to explore the courses scheduled each semester by our academic partners (College of Arts & Sciences, the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, & Engineering, and the O'Neill School of Public & Environment Affairs).
If you need some help brainstorming elective options, you might consider:
The College of Arts & Sciences
ANTH-A 403 Introduction to Museum Studies [must be taken at the graduate level]
ANTH-A 405 Museum Methods [must be taken at the graduate level]
ANTH-P 507 Archaeological Curation
ANTH-E 660 Arts in Anthropology
ARTH-A 590 Museum Studies
ARTH-A 5XX, 6XX Art History
CLAS-C 503 Ancient City
CLAS-C 514 Archaeology of Rome
CTHI-T 500 Intro to Humanities Theory
CTHI-T 600 Topics in Critical Theory
CTHI-T 700 Intro to Critical Theory
CULS-C 601 Intro to Cultural Studies
CULS-C 701 Special Topics in Cultural Studies
ENG-L 756 Research in Rhetorical Studies
ENG-R 546 Rhetoric and Public Culture
ENG-W 680 Theory and Craft of Writing
FOKL-F-517 History of Folklore Study
FOLK-F 523 Fieldwork
FOLK-F 532 Public Practice in Folklore and Ethnomusicology
FOLK-F 540 Material Culture and Folklife
FOLK-F 712 Body Art: Dress and Adornment
FOLK-F 750 Performance Studies
FOLK-F 792 Traditional Musical Instruments
FOLK-F 805 Laboratory in Public Folklore
GEOG-G 535 Environmental Remote Sensing
GEOG-G 536 Advanced Remote Sensing
GEOG-G 539 Advanced GIS
HIST-H 585 Digital History
HIST-H 602 Historical Profession
HIST-H 650 History in Public
HPSC-X 507 Survey of History of Science
MSCH-C 5XX, 6XX Film, Media
MSCH-T 5XX, 6XX New Media
SOAAD-S 500 (drawing), 510/511 (digital), 530/531 (painting), 541 (printmaking), 550/551 (graphic design), 571 (sculpture), 590/591 (photography)
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, & Engineering
CSCI-A 541 Computing and Technology Boot Camp
CSCI-A 548 Mastering the Worldwide Web
CSCI-A 590 Topics in Programming
CSCI-A 591 Intro to Computer Science
CSCI-B 581 Advanced Computer Graphics
ILS-Z 5XX, 6XX Library and Information Science
INFO-I 590 Informatics
INFO-I 587 Intro to Virtual Heritage
INFO-I 588 Advanced Topics in Virtual Heritage
O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs
AADM-Y 515 Financial Management for the Arts
AADM-Y 525 Museum Management
AADM-Y 530 Audience Development and Marketing the Arts
AADM-Y 535 Arts Administration and the Cultural Sector
AADM-Y 540 Computer Applications for the Arts
AADM-Y 559 Public Policy and the Arts
AADM-Y 564 Economics and Administration of Artistic Organizations
AADM-Y 650 Seminar in Arts Administration